Sunday, July 16, 2006

Long Long ago....

"Long Long ago so long ago , when ganeshram was blogging ........thare lived a king ......"

I now that my blogging practice has taken a serious set back , but not without a reson
I am Going to UK and look forward to blog from there.I have a lot more to say , but i have already crossed the event horizon of the black hole called "WORK" so ........AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Thus goes ganesh back to work taking the best wishes of the people who would have wished me but may not wish me because of my Non Blog Updating Syndrome.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Borrowed from harry

I have borrowed Invisibility Cloak from harry for some time to use that in blogosphere for some days.So my dear co-bloggers and those who visit my blog ,I will not be blogging for next/past few
But will definitely come back soon.Thankx for ur faith.Miss u all.