Wednesday, May 03, 2006

History repeats itself

MTC adding color to life (Re-published)

The MTC bus passengers( steel rods in the concrete pillar)know how frustrating and tiring it is to reach their office in the morning.

There is no meaning in bathing , dressing and above all polishing ur shoes coz wen u get out of the bus u will definitely be ripped off all the efforts u have put to make u look better and even more than jus looks, ur pockets will throw a null pointer exception :-) if u wer not careful.

But for an optimist who tries to see fun in everything this MTC bus is really a 'Varaprasatham'(much awaited stuff).

U will have one great old man way behind generations reviewing today's movies , bad mouthing the low low hip traditions in today's market and a proud young man questioning him back about the meaning of famous 'Elantha palam..Elantha palam' score of the old mans age.

U will definitely have a lawyer (offcourse not by his qualification) appealing to the crowd in the bus 'In mumbai and delhi girls and guys sit together in bus but in chennai these ladies still shout at men for standing behind them' and an old woman replying 'mm then go to delhi'

U can see all the great political analysts,astrophysicist's,law makers, mathematicians(Silara baki sariya vanganumay!!!) and among all of them the most talented 'The MTC bus Driver'.

And above all u will employed in part time as an assitant to conductor.For this fact this is mobile employment exchange.

But the cream of all,the most unforgettable enimies of the driver and conductor'the omnipresent college students'. U can see them all over the bus on the top,near the tyre, in the front , on the side windows but never inside the bus.They electrify the atmosphere their beats , their jokes and in short they can never be equalled .They will definitely bring smile in ur lips .

There was article in DC dated 16 th feb 2006 about the way these guys (Nandhanam Arts College Students) bid their farewell to the bus(45 B, 23 C) which they travelled all through three years to their college.They decorated the bus and distributed sweets to all the passengers that day.
Not stopping with that they be-friended their enimies (all D's & C's of 45b) by buying them shirts and pants.
Really great work guys.
College Student na College Student thanda!! :-)
(Bad that i missed to travel that ' bus day') :-(


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